Olga Shabanov
Language School and tutoring
Please read before you start
Students can start private, semi-private or group lessons after the assessment meeting and after the copy of this contract is signed.
Each lesson will start and end at its assigned time.
Individual lesson may be rescheduled within a 24 hours notice. If the student will not appear, a make up class will NOT be offered, nor any refunds for the missing class.
Semi-private and group lessons will take place on their schedule. Students who miss there semi-private or group lessons within 24 hour notice, are eligible to receive class work materials and homework assignments for the missing class.
For the zoom classes I will cordially ask to be on time, practice online etiquette, turn ON sound and video AT ALL TIME, chose the quiet location in your house with strong internet connection and use fully charged device.
We have School-off Days on Major holidays, such as Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas, New Years, President's Day, Easter, and Memorial Day. We will also have school-wide breaks, that I will notify you about it.
Teacher's responsibility
The Teacher is responsible to make an assessment and determine the level of fluency of the Student.
The Teacher will provide study materials for the curriculum, as well as additional supplies.
Providing a good, friendly and healthy environment for learning.
Provide a quality class work and homework each lesson.
The Teacher has rights to send a student back home if he/her is ill, performing unsafe actions, showing unappropriated destructive behavior towards other students, or rudeness and disrespect to the Teacher.
Student's responsibilities
Every student is responsible to be at class on time.
Student must bring his (or her) folder containing workbooks and school supplies to every class.
In order to succeed and progressing in their studying, each Student should follow the instructions given to them at class and perform the entire amount of homework: reading, writing, memorizing, etc.
Students are expected to be kind, attentive, friendly, and enthusiastic. We encourage the students to practice safety, good manner and respect.
Parent's responsibilities
Parents are responsible to provide a good studying environment for their child
bringing them to the class and picking them up on assignment time.
Parents must order vouchers and cover cost of books before every learning period.
Parents need to contact the Teacher in order to cancel or reschedule the class.
For younger children parents are expected to help with the homework, and encourage kids to bring all necessary supplies to class.